Strangers on Paper - DevLog #28

If you'd like to listen to this dev log being read out loud, here's our latest video.

Ay, ay, ay. Yeah, I couldn’t think of another way to start this dev log because we are reaching that stage of development in which our brains are turning to mush and our schedules are non-existent and you know, we could really use a Hyperbolic Time Chamber right now. But then again, don’t we all?

Anyway, here’s the cute little thingy, let’s go through each of these to try and make some sense of it all.

  • Writing

A great percentage of this chapter was written and edited from my phone due to the FIVE MONTHS (yes, in caps, because I need you to feel my pain) I spent without my laptop and wondering if I was slowly turning into SOP’s MC. I even thought of going back to working at bars. It was only about two weeks ago that I got it back and, shit, after multiple edits with an actual appropriate work tool, it’s all done. Still leaving it at 95% because with every test comes a new perspective and, some things that seemed to work before, no longer do. That’s the remaining 5%, the possibility of some tiny edits and changes here and there.

  • Art

This fucker outdoes himself every time. Like, seriously, I’m always in awe of the art in this game. Progress on this side has spiked since Grogu’s epiphany in his dream (not gonna go through this again, but if you’ve been following this turbulent journey, you may have an idea of what I mean). But you know what happens when someone keeps delivering more and more each time? Some things start looking inconsistent. Which is why Grogu’s been going back to some scenes in Chapter 2 and re-doing some things here and there - something I’d object to, but once you see the result, there’s no arguing. Now don't get your panties in a twist, we're not talking about a full-on remaster here, it's more about tweaking some details that didn't sit quite well with us from the beginning, and now Grogu has better tools to get them to the place where he had always meant to.

  • Code

Just like with the writing, some things may come up in the code that we’ll still be working on improving. Yeah, I say “we”, but it’s more like I come up with an idea of how a certain consequence could lead to this particular outcome which results in a headache for Grogu who has to code it but, hey, improved gameplay! 

  • Bugs/Issues

The game seems to forget who my crush was at times. Or refuses to show us Grogu’s beautiful art because it’s just that selfish. We’re working with a psychiatrist to help it get its proper meds and it will soon be ready to go out and play with some friends to work on its social skills, we think that will be good for its wellbeing.

  • Steam

Don’t even get me started. It’s the definition of work-in-progress, but no longer a priority. Chapter 2 is the priority.

That’s it for today, I gotta say we’re finally in a really happy place again which is hilarious given exactly one year ago today, our first chapter got leaked, resulting in the worst headache and a rushed release, so, no, you’re not getting a date. 

But… if I were you, I’d keep my eyes open for some clues to come.


After a lot of back and forth, it’s been decided that Strangers on Paper will consist of FOUR chapters, as opposed to the original three we had planned. The thing is, the more I write, the more I realize it would feel rushed to take all characters to where they need to be in just three chapters. Both Grogu and I share the same mixed feelings on this: We’re happy to have more of our beloved characters to discover, we want to be truthful to our story and tell it in a way that feels organic, but this also means more work in the same project (hopefully not so damn slow and without as many setbacks as we had this goddamn year). 

So… yay? Do let us know how you feel about it. We truly appreciate your feedback and, believe us, we share both your hopes and frustrations. Thank you for being so kind to us and for showing your excitement for this odd cookie (that was a callback to one of our first dev logs, I should cut down on coffee and if you recognized it, maybe you should too).

PPS: If any of you reading this are into writing or curious about it, look out for a freebie going into some of it coming out this week.

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