Strangers on Paper - DevLog #20

Hello there, long time no see!

Summer has been a bit of a fever dream, both metaphorically and literally. Our individual struggles during this period have seriously deteriorated our pace, but they’ve also made us realize we did use to have sort of a steady thing going on up until then. After numerous life-prompted setbacks, it has taken us a while to get back into it, but I can confidently say both Grogu and I are back again on our regularly irregular flow of production, which is good. Not great, since we’ve fallen behind on many of our goals, but we’re forcing ourselves to look at the bright side. And the brightest one is that even when things were at their worst, we never doubted we wanted to continue doing this. Like, after some of the things we’ve been through individually, the fact that GGS was always still in the back of our minds is proof that we’re fucking unstoppable, and that feels good to write.

What doesn’t feel good to write is what we need to inevitably announce, and that is that Chapter 2 will need to be delayed beyond September. We’re not nearly where we would like to be at this point and, even if by some kind of magic we ended up wrapping it up by that time… Let’s just say if there’s something we’ve learned from these past two months, it’s that life can seriously get in the way of that side-passion-project we are working on. Which, uhm, sounds like a no-brainer when I put it like that, but our overconfidence was back then justified by how smoothly things had been going before.

You guys have been nothing but supportive and patient with us, so it really pains us to say this because we’d hate to let you down and, frankly, we can’t wait to play Chapter 2 as well! I think the main reason that keeps us motivated is that we’re both big fans of each other’s work and how they compliment each other to create something that makes us this excited to share and, yeah, that’s the dream. Anyway, we’d like to once again thank you from the bottom of our hearts for sticking with us and supporting us through this time.

We’d also like to thank you all for your notes to Tony, some of them made us laugh, some were truly heartwarming, some completely disregarded the rules yet all of them brought a smile to our faces! Damn y’all for being so freaking cool.

In other news, we are very happy with how things are going with Steam. The virtual paperwork side of things is scary and quite confusing at times, but the game is currently in a stage of revision after some small corrections. Of course, here is the mandatory reminder to click here to add it to your wishlist if you haven’t!

We hope you’re having a great summer/winter/whatever season you’re in, and we’ll meet you soon with more news!

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